Sunday, February 9, 2014

Five for Friday (Sunday)!! Math, Read Alouds, and Of Course Techie Stuff!!

Hi my teacher peeps! I'm finally getting around to linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday! 


1) Read Alouds 
      I've recently came across Miss Smartie Pants Photo Challenge for February on Instagram.

Day 7 was to post your favorite read aloud.  I decided to share a few of my favorites here on my blog.  All of these books help with teaching a lesson, descriptive writing, narrative writing, or character traits.

Great book about the power of our words and not judging others!

Great book about being unique and proud of who you are! 

I remember my third grade teacher reading this book to me.  It's silly and quirky!
Great book for teaching descriptive writing.

Great book about helping and reaching out to others!

Who doesn't love Charlotte's Web?! Great book about friendship!

A touching book about friendship and imagination! This is a tear jerker.
I only read it if I have a mature group of students.

Great book about individualism and loving who you are!

Great book about being comfortable in your own skin
and being proud of who you are!

2) Math
     As my school district transitions into common core, I have been using math manipulatives MORE and MORE.  My students have been using them EVERYDAY!!  I decided to hang a math manipulative bag from each of my students' desks with a binder ring.  Whenever my students need to PROVE their answer, they can quickly grab what they need without getting out of their seats.  

3) More QR codes
     I'm slightly becoming obsessed with QR codes.  They are still pretty new to me .... but I love them!! My students love scanning them.  I included them on my morning must do list.  These link to a list of commonly used homophones to help my students with their morning work.  This is much faster than having my students search for it online .... and it's more fun than bookmarking it.

4) Morning Message
     Each morning, I have this displayed on my smart board.  My students read it as they are walking in.  Instead of coming up to me with A LOT of questions, they read the board.  It also lets them know what's going on.  I know I like to know what's going on ... similar to getting an agenda at my staff meeting.  

5) My New Phone Case
     I LOVE my new phone case.  So cute!  Thanks mom!

That's it! Five for Friday (really Sunday)! 

Happy Valentine's Day!! I'm ready to print these out and attach candy to them for my students.  

You can grab them with a Valentine's Day writing activity from my TPT store. 

Enjoy your week,

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February Currently is Here!

Happy February friends!! That means I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her monthly "Currently!" So here it is ....

* Listening -  
     I love Pandora! I listen to it all the time!! It's also pretty great for the classroom.  Some kid friendly stations are Tween, Kidz Bop Kids, Classical Music, Radio for Kids, and they have great seasonal/holiday stations.  

* Loving - 
    Dropbox is amazing! I mentioned it in my last blog post.  It's a great way to share PDF's or screenshots instantly on your student iPads. 

* Thinking - 
     Who will win?! I did a Superbowl Pool with my students this year.  Each of my students picked two squares.  They could earn more squares by making good choices in the classroom.  Great behavior incentive! 

* Wanting - 
     I'm SO close to finishing my newest TPT product with QR codes.  QR codes are AMAZING!  Students can scan them using a scanner app.  The QR code can be linked to a website, text (i.e. an answer to a question), or a PDF file.  I plan on blogging more about QR codes in the near future.  I'm excited to use them more with my students.  

* 2 Truths and a Fib
    Yes, I've been skydiving! It was amazing! Free like a bird!

    Yes, I'm addicted to The Bachelor! Oooh la la!  Juan Pablo!

FIB - As prepared as I usually am, sometimes I'm not 100% planned.  Oops! I'm sure my teacher friends can relate.  Thankfully, sometimes my best teaching happens when I "wing" it.

Happy Superbowl Weekend! My TPT store is 20% off to celebrate.  Enjoy!!!

Hut Hut Hike,