Monday, March 31, 2014

April Currently and a FREEBIE!

Happy April!!! Time for spring, bright colors, Peeps candy, and sandals.  Yay! Spring means we are closer to summer! 

Of course I'm linking up with the fabulous Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for this month's "Currently".

Here goes ....

* Listening -
    Duh! I'm always listening to music.  It's therapeutic! :)

* Loving -
    I went to the CUE conference earlier this month.  It's a tech conference to advance learning in the classroom.  It was AMAZING!!! Blog post coming soon with more info.

Anyways, I learned some pretty cool things.  Here's a preview to my upcoming blog post.

ColAR Mix App - This augmented reality app brings coloring sheets to life!!! 

Thinking -
  Laminate, make labels, clean, and finish up solar system projects!!! My "to do" list for Open House.  Our Academic Fair (aka Open House) is quickly approaching .... Thursday!! Yikes!! 

I'm super excited for my students to showcase their learning!!! They have learned so much.  I'm sure they're going to WOW their families.

Wanting -
  Saturday!!! Next week is my spring break! Yipee! Even though I'm excited for Academic Fair, I'm ready to relax.   I'll be kicking off my spring break in Palm Springs with my best friend.  I can't wait!

Needing -
  I need to go shopping.  Ugghhh!! I'm odd and don't enjoy shopping.  I LOVE cute clothes, but I don't enjoy going to the mall and trying on clothes.  I dream about having a personal shopper.  That would be fantastic!!! 

That's all for now my friends ... 

In spirit of spring, head over to my Facebook page to grab a FREEBIE from my Seasonal Similes product.



Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Cleaning Sale!!

HAPPY SPRING my teacher peeps! 

Spring Cleaning Sale!!! Who doesn't love a sale?! All my products are 20% off through Monday.

Head over to Georgia Grown Kiddo's to check out all the amazing bloggers who are also participating in this sale.

Here are my latest products.  Seasonal Similes is great for reviewing similes and descriptive writing throughout the year.  It's also great for seasonal bulletin board displays.

Reference Sources: Sorting Game & QR Task Cards is a great product for reviewing and teaching your kiddos the difference between the most commonly used reference sources.

I'm also planning on finishing my third "Grammartime" product this weekend.  This one will be the Sports Edition.  These products are great for reviewing many language skills like parts of speech, synonyms & antonyms, subject & predicate, and homophones.

Happy shopping,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Fabulous Giveaway!!!

Don't forget to head over to Anchored in 3rd Grade to enter Carrie's fabulous giveaway!!!  Great products, Jamberry wraps, and jewelry!!!

Here are some of the 3 - 5 products you can win including my very own "Seasonal Similes"!!!

Here are the K - 2 awesome products!!

The giveaway ends this Thursday!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! 

Good luck to you,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Liebster Award ... Round Two!!

Hi everyone,

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!!!

Ana over at Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard and Jana at Down the Hall in Third nominated me for the Liebster Award.

Thanks ladies so much for this special award!  I actually have been nominated before ...... but that was a loooooong time ago.  I'm sad to say I really neglected my blog last year.  This year I have a renewed sense of passion for my blog and for the blogging community.  Therefore, I decided I would go through the process of the Liebster Award a second time.

Here are the Liebster Rules:
1) Link back to the blog that nominated me
2) Nominate 5 - 11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
3) Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator
4) Share 11 random facts about myself
5) Contact my nominees and let them know that I nominated them

Ana's Questions:
1) What has been your most memorable 'aha' moment from teaching?
    I've had many 'aha' moments!!! I have to say one thing that forever changed the way I run my classroom is MUSIC.  I use it for transitions, chants, and to create a positive, fun mood in my class. 

2) How do you balance the long hours and demands of teaching with your personal life?
   I'm still single .... so I think that helps!!! Haha! Besides that, I have to confess I'm slightly a workaholic.  If I'm not planning or prepping for my class, I'm blogging or creating TPT products.  It's my creative outlet and I love it.   However,  I always make time for my family & friends and a glass of wine!!! 

3) What do you love about the grade level you teach or a specific grade level you have taught in the past?
   I've taught second and third grade.  I'm currently in third and I love it.  I think it's a great age.  My students are becoming more independent, but are still sweet and loving.  They are funny and have great sense of humors.

4) What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
   Wine, Mexican food, bordeaux chocolates from See's Candies .... I couldn't pick just one!!!
5) What read aloud do you HAVE to do each year with your class no matter what?
   Mr. Peabody's Apples by Madonna  

6) What is your favorite holiday to celebrate with your kiddos and why?
    Even though my students can't dress up at school for Halloween, it's my fav! I love all the seasonal art projects I do at that time of year.

7) What advice for new teachers do you have?
   Be yourself!! Find your own teaching style and have it jive with your personality.  Sometimes that is hard to do your first year because you are fresh from student teaching.

8) What is the silliest gift you've ever gotten from a student?
   A few days ago, I got a pop up card with a prince proposing to me from one of my students.  It cracked me up!!

9) What's your favorite field trip and why?
   We used to go to the California Science Center and Natural History Museum in Los Angeles.  Both places are amazing!!! My students LOVED going there.  Great place to go after teaching about dinosaurs and fossils.
10) What is something that you want all parents of your students to know?
   I want them to know that I fall in love with their children.  Their child's success is my success!!!

11) What is the best part of your job? 
   Obviously, the kids!!! Then, it's the creative side.  I love decorating and technology, so my job brings many of my passions together. 

11 Random Facts about ME 
 * This is my 13th year teaching!! I can't believe it!!

 * I'm Italian and truly believe I lived in Italy in my past life.  I feel it in my blood! 

 * I'm a techie nerd! I love it! My students eat, breathe, and live TECHNOLOGY!

 * I have 3 brothers.  I grew up being the only girl.

 * I'm a travel bug! My bucket list of places I want to go is ridiculously long!! 

 * I have curly brown hair! I have a love hate relationship with my hair.   

 * I have 13 first cousins.  I don't even think I could count how many second and third cousins I have.  It's A LOT!  

 * I'm ready to change the theme decor of my classroom.  I've had zebra print for the last few years. I'm thinking a vintage classroom theme for next year.

 * I've been skydiving! It was WILD!

 * I'm slightly addicted to Instagram! I love pictures & photography!

 * Summer is my favorite season!!!   

My questions for my nominated peeps:
1) What grade do you currently teach? Have you taught any other grades?
2) What is your favorite thing about teaching? Least favorite?
3) If your school was donated $25,000, what would you want your principal to purchase?
4) What is your favorite TV show?
5) If you could go back in time, what era would you choose to visit?
6) What is your school mascot?
7) How many kids are in your class?
8) What is your current obsession? 
9) What is your idea of relaxing after a crazy day of teaching?
10) Do you have iPads in your class?
11) Heels or flats?

I nominated the following AWESOME & AMAZING blogs:
Once again, thank you Ana and Jana for nominating me!!! I'm flattered!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday!!!! A Giveaway, Freebies, and Techie Stuff!

Happy Friday!!! I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!!!

Five tidbits from the week .....

1) Anchored in 3rd Grade 1,000 Instagram Follower Celebration -
    Head over to Carrie's blog to enter her awesome giveaway!! She is celebrating reaching 1,000 Instagram Followers.  Since I love following Carrie on IG, I decided to help her out with her giveaway.

You can win my newest product Seasonal Similes!!!!  

... and lots of other great products including Jamberry Wraps.  

Head over now!!!! Good luck!!!

2) Parent Conferences are done!!
    I had parent conferences this week.  Here's what I put on my door.  

I go through a TON of wipes and hand sanitizer throughout the year.  I'm a little bit of a germ freak.  Anytime I can stock up with donations, I shamelessly ask for them.  

3) Extreme Collaboration
     This is my newest techie discovery!!! Does anyone else use this through Notebook software on their Smartboards????  I love it.  It's a great way for students to share their ideas via iPads.  

 * First, they scan a generated QR code.

 * Then, they connect and type in their response.  This week we worked on finding details in nonfiction text.  

* They press submit.

* Voila!!! Their answers appear on the Smartboard.  So cool!!!!

4) St. Patrick's Day Similes
     This is from my Seasonal Similes product I mentioned earlier.  My students are so creative and are doing a great job with their descriptive writing.  

You can grab a FREE sample of this product from my Facebook page.  

5) Funny of the Week
    I got this adorable pop up card from one of my students.  It's hilarious that she thought to make this elaborate card of a prince proposing to me.  Obviously, she wants me to meet Mr. Right as much as I do.  

That's it friends.  Thank you so much for stopping by!  Here are FREE March Madness bookmarks for your students.  Enjoy!

Have a wonderful week!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Currently and a FREEBIE!!

Happy March!! Time for Farley's Currently!! Be sure to check out her adorable new blog design and link up at Oh' Boy 4th Grade!

   I'm listening to Saturday Night Live recorded from last night.  It always cracks me up.  Click below to see one of my all time favorite clips from the show.  Of course it's Jimmy Fallon with Justin Timberlake.  So funny!!

  I LOVE my Mr. Sketch smelly markers!! I use them to make charts and grade papers.  They last a long time and they smell GREAT!!!  

  Which Dr. Seuss treat I should make for my students?  I can't believe it's already March.  So crazy!  Last year, I made jello parfaits to celebrate The Cat in the Hat.  My students loved them.  

I think this year, I might make these simple treats with oreos, icing, and Life Saver gummy rings.  

  I'm about to make some chicken noodle soup to get rid of this sore throat.  The LAST thing I want to do is write sub plans!!! I know my teacher friends understand this.  Instead, I'm going to load up on vitamins and ignore this cold.  Haha!

  I can't believe the second trimester at my school is coming to an end .... that means report cards and parent conferences!!! Yikes! Hopefully, I'll get all my comments done today!

  In honor of Read Across America, my question is "What are your favorite NON TEACHER books?"  I love reading and escaping into the author's world.  These are a few of my recent faves.  

This is the final book in the Divergent trilogy.  Great read!

This is such a sweet story told from the perspective of a dog.  Loved it!!

This is a sad one, but a sweet story about life and relationships.

Happy Read Across America!!! What are some of your favorite NON TEACHER books?  I'm ready to start reading a new book.  

Be sure to stop by my TPT store or my Facebook page to grab FREE St. Patrick's Day Bookmarks for your students!  Enjoy!

Happy reading,