Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Blues and a GIVEAWAY!!!

My winter break is coming to an end.  I know it was longer than most of my blogger friends (3 whole weeks!!!), but I'm still not completely ready to go back to work.  I have a slight case of the Sunday blues.

However, I am super excited to use my new smartboard that was installed over break!! I figured out to use airplay.  That means I can mirror what's on my iPad to my smartboard WIRELESSLY.  Super cool!  I will post some new techie tips as I learn them.  I'm still trying to figure out my new equipment. 

I finally took a picture of my trendy clipboard that I mentioned in my Five for Friday blog post.
Here it is:
Jackie and Danielle over at Sister Teachers are having an awesome giveaway!! Be sure to check it out and enter to win some great products!! I'm donating one product (winner's choice) from my TPT store.

Sister Teachers

Have a wonderful week my friends,

Friday, January 11, 2013

Five for Friday

Happy Friday friends!!! I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday

Here goes ...

1) I was in my classroom ALL day today organizing and cleaning.  I finally have a Smartboard in my classroom!!! I'm super excited, but I need to do some more organizing.  I will post some pics soon.

2) I'm in love with my new clipboard I got for Christmas! My mom found it at a local boutique.  So cute!  I forgot to take a pic when I was in my classroom, but I found this cute one online.  It would make a great gift for your coworkers!!

3) Technology Tip: I downloaded a Mad Libs app last month.  It's great to review parts of speech and it cracks my students up!!

4) I just downloaded this MLK Freebie from Gina over at Beach Sand and Lesson Plans.  I'm planning on using it next week with my students.

5) Since my winter break is coming to an end, I will be hosting a 20% off sale at my TPT store this weekend.  It sounds like most of my blogging friends have already returned to school.  I had a long and lovely three weeks off.  My sale will run Saturday, 1/12 through Sunday, 1/13.

Enjoy your weekend friends!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January Currently ~ Happy New Year!!

Happy 2013 friends!!! Farley's January Currently is here!! Be sure to link up over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade.

* Listening - to the New Year's Eve specials

* Loving - my new laptop!!! 
      What a generous and awesome Christmas present!!! I love it.

* Thinking - about all the things I want to do this upcoming year
           - travel, travel, travel
           - pay my car off
           - become a techie teacher pro
           - charity work

* Wanting - blessings for my family and friends

* Needing - to get back to the gym
       It never fails, I always put on my "winter coat" at this time of year.  Time to hit the gym and stop eating holiday treats!!! :)


      With every passing year, I appreciate my loved ones more and more.  My goal is to continue to cherish life. 
      Cherish my loved ones.  Cherish my job.  Cherish my independence and health.  Cherish my friendships.  Cherish moments.  Cherish the beauty around me.  

Here's to 2013!! Good bye 2012!! Thanks for the memories.