Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Blues and a GIVEAWAY!!!

My winter break is coming to an end.  I know it was longer than most of my blogger friends (3 whole weeks!!!), but I'm still not completely ready to go back to work.  I have a slight case of the Sunday blues.

However, I am super excited to use my new smartboard that was installed over break!! I figured out to use airplay.  That means I can mirror what's on my iPad to my smartboard WIRELESSLY.  Super cool!  I will post some new techie tips as I learn them.  I'm still trying to figure out my new equipment. 

I finally took a picture of my trendy clipboard that I mentioned in my Five for Friday blog post.
Here it is:
Jackie and Danielle over at Sister Teachers are having an awesome giveaway!! Be sure to check it out and enter to win some great products!! I'm donating one product (winner's choice) from my TPT store.

Sister Teachers

Have a wonderful week my friends,


  1. You can hook your I-pad up to mirror your smart board??!! What what! You must teach me how! I have two iPads and I reeeeally need to find some time to play around and discover all they can do. Step 1 on my list figure familiarize myself with the smart board.

    Thanks for sharing!


    1. Yes, I have apple tv in my classroom. This allows my iPad screen to show up on my smartboard. Also, I have airserver installed on my computer. I can connect my iPad (wirelessly) to my laptop. My iPad screen shows up on my laptop, and therefore can show up on my smartboard. I hope this helps and makes sense. :)

  2. I love your clipboard-- too cute!! I am your 100th follower! :)

