Happy February!! I love the design of
Farley's CURRENTLY this month! Be sure to link up!!
* LISTENING - I'm still on my country kick. I have it on ALL day long.
* LOVING - I love my new Smartboard and iPads in my classroom!!! They have permanently changed the way I teach. This is the first Smartboard I've ever had. How did I use to teach without it?! Here are some pics.
Using AirServer, I can wirelessly mirror multiple iPads onto my Smartboard. I love using this feature during math time!! I can easily assess how my students are doing. My students love having their work displayed for everyone to see. |
These pics show my students taking AR tests and solving math problems using Educreations. |
I'm loving the Notebook software to create interactive lessons. Here are a few of my second grade students reviewing time and money concepts. |
* THINKING - Thank you Punxsutawney Phil for NOT seeing your shadow!!! I am such a California girl. Weather below 60 degrees is too cold for me, so an early Spring is music to my ears.
* WANTING - I need some suggestions for great, educational apps for my new iPads. Time to start searching through some of my favorite teacher blogs! What are some of your favorite apps?
* NEEDING - I'll be out for two days next week for school stuff. I need to write my sub plans ... SO ANNOYING! This takes me to my pet peeves .......
* PET PEEVES - I hate writing sub plans! I'm sure you all feel my pain with this one. Secondly, winter is by far my LEAST favorite season. I can't wait for warmer weather. I'm such a happier girl in summer!!
Don't forget the BIG Super Sunday Sale on TPT running for the next 2 days!!