Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014! January Currently!

Happy 2014!! Cheers to a new year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.  

Here's my January Currently from the always fabulous Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

* LOVING ~ My niece and nephew made awesome duct tape wallets for Christmas with handmade ID's. So adorable!

* MEMORIES ~ Here are some of my favorite highlights from 2013!!

My cousin got married in Japan last April.  It was amazing! We were there for the Cherry Blossoms.

Tokyo is a great city with delicious food and fantastic karaoke.  It was definitely a once in a lifetime trip!

Kumamoto Castle - This was the view from my cousin's reception. Wow!
In summer, I went to La Paz, Mexico.  La Paz means "peace" .... very fitting for this beautiful fishing town. 

In fall, I went to Napa with family.  Even though I'm a born and raised Californian, I have never been to Napa.  If you love wine as much as I do, you need to go.  It's beautiful! 



  1. I bet the Cherry Blossoms in Japan were amazing - total bucket list item for me! Homemade gifts are the best, I love the wallet!

    JustAnother PBJ Day

    1. Thanks Cindy! I agree that homemade gifts are the best.


  2. Oh, my! What a wonderful experience!
    That wallet is so cute! There is nothing better than a gift made with love!
    Happy new year!
    Fabulous Fifth Grade Fun 

  3. Sounds like you had great adventures in 2013! I agree with you that I need to blog more in 2014 as well! How fun that your niece and nephew made you a present too!! Happy New Year!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade

  4. OK, I have to admit that when I read that you got a duct tape wallet, I thought, "What a sweet gift! But that will go in the closet and never get used...." (I'm a brat, apparently.) But then I saw the type of duct tape they used and was pleasantly surprised to see how cute it is! I always forget that duct tape can be cute these days. haha! So give your niece and nephew an extra high-five and wallet-compliment from me, please. :)

    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

    1. Haha! So funny! I will give them a high-five for you!

      :) Jayme

  5. Jayme, you sound like you had a great year! I am definitely jealous of the cherry blossoms. I am a new third grade blogger, and am so glad I found your blog through the linky. I am your newest follower! Hopefully we can collaborate in the future. Enjoy 2014 :)

    Maegan Third Grade Brownies

    1. Thanks Maegan! I love finding fellow 3rd grade bloggers! I'm going to check out your blog right now. Happy 2014! :)

  6. That's amazing to be in Japan during the cherry blossoms! That's an experience of a lifetime! I just finished reading Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes with my third graders and we read about the cherry blossoms. Awesome!

    1. Hi Jenn,

      It was amazing! I'm going to have to check out the book you read to your third graders. Very cool! Thanks for stopping by!

      :) Jayme
