Saturday, July 19, 2014

Five for Friday and a Summer SALE!!!

Hi teacher peeps! I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday weekly linky party.  Summer is in full swing, but somehow I can't get away from the TEACHER in me.   It's a problem!!! Haha!

First off, I'm having a sale to celebrate SUMMER and my amazing Instagram followers!!!! All items in my store are 20% off through tomorrow.

I just love my teacher Instagram account.  If you don't already have a IG account, I highly recommend it.  It's one of my favorite ways to connect with teachers all over the country and world.  It's pretty amazing!!!!!!

My newest product, iSchool Back to School Pack, can be found in my TPT store.  I will be teaching a 3/4 combo class this upcoming school year.  Most likely I will have some of my students from last year, so I need to switch up my Back to School activities.  I created this product to align with my love for technology and to spruce up my usual stuff.  I'm super excited to use it with my students!!!  I will use InstaMe and iGoals for bulletin board displays. 

I also have been updating my classroom decor.  I decided to stick with black and white, but ditch the zebra print that I've used for the last few years.  I'm switching from zebra print to stripes, polka-dots, and hearts.  I call it "Black and White with POPS of Color"!!!!!

Here are the classroom library labels I made.  They're based off Accelerated Reader.  However, there are editable pages that can be customized for any reading program.

Like many of you, I've already been sucked into the Back to School sales.  I've stocked up on pencil boxes, 2 pocket folders, markers, flair pens, and some cute decor items.  Most of my finds were at Staples.  They had similar prices compared to Target, but I had a 15% off coupon.

Thanks to the amazing Jessica over at The Teacher Talk .... I also got this 10 drawer cart from Big Lots for $22!!! I've been wanting to get rid of my BIG, ugly, bulky classroom desk .... This will be perfect to keep me organized.

I also found this adorable chalkboard at Home Goods.  My mom bought it for me.  Love her!!! I plan on hanging it somewhere in my classroom .... maybe on the corner of one of my bulletin boards.

 Finally, here's the cover and back cover of my teacher planner this year.  There are SO many amazing teacher planners out there!!! I'm always tempted to buy one, but I haven't splurged yet.  I have my own weekly lesson plan template that I've used for years, so I simply make a new cover for my binder to switch it up.

Thank you Doodle Bugs Teaching for hosting!!! Head over to her blog to check out this fun weekly linky party!!

Happy Mid Summer,


  1. Your teacher planner cover looks great - as do the library labels and certificates!
    Growing Little Learners

  2. My daughter is trying to convince me that I need an Instagram account (she will have to teach me how to use it!). Your #1 is further evidence that she is right! Love your iSchool pack, it looks super cute!
    Curriculum and Crayons

  3. تكميم المعدة هو إجراء شائع لفقدان الوزن في مصر، والدكتور أحمد عبد السلام في عيادته في القاهرة هو أحد أفضل العمليات في البلاد. يتمتع الدكتور أحمد عبد السلام بخبرة واسعة في إجراء هذه الجراحة وساعد العديد من مرضى السمنة على تحقيق أهدافهم في إنقاص الوزن بمساعدة الدكتور أحمد عبد السلام، يمكنك التأكد من حصولك على أفضل النتائج من عمليات تكميم المعدة في مصر
